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L'entrée des Harpistes!

Members: Claire Duchateau (harp)

                   Sylvana Labeyrie (harp)


Since 2010, Claire and Sylvana organise concerts and tours in France sharing they music with a broad audience.

3th September, Electro with Claire Duchateau  Balzac, 12h, Parc du Verney, Chambery (France) 
2th September, recital with Claire Duchateau Balzac, 20h30, Caveau des Augustins, Saint-Pierre-d'Albiny (France) 
19 July, recital with Claire Duchateau Malzac, Protestant Temple, Aumessas, Gard (France)
18th July, Electro with Claire Duchateau Malzac 19h, Guinguette du Relai Nautique, Octon (France)
17 July, recital with Claire Duchateau Malzac, Church, Matelles, Hérault (France)
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